Issues relevant to early intervention transcend national boundaries. The rapidly expanding knowledge base of early intervention is the product of contributions from researchers, clinicians, program developers, and policy-makers from numerous countries. Communication within and across national boundaries of these advances has improved in recent years due to technological innovations, greater availability of journals and reports, as well as increased interest in international organizations.
Yet international early intervention collaborations and sharing of knowledge are far from adequate. In part, this state-of-affairs reflects continued difficulties related to communication between specialists representing numerous disciplines, communication between basic and applied scientists, and communication between researchers and those concerned with the practical implementation of programs. Moreover, the tendency of international organizations to focus on a specific group of children, such as individuals with established intellectual disabilities, children with specific etiologies, or children at risk for developmental problems due to biological or environmental factors, does not easily permit early interventionists to address the critical issues that transcend disability or risk status.
In view of this circumstance, the primary purpose of ISEI is to provide a framework and forum for professionals from around the world to communicate about advances in the field of early intervention. The membership of ISEI is composed of basic and clinical researchers relevant to the field of early intervention representing a diverse array of biomedical and behavioral disciplines, as well as clinicians and policy-makers in leadership positions. As such, linkages between basic science and applied research, interdisciplinary collaborations, and connections between research and practice are emphasized.
Coordinating Committee
The 16 member coordinating committee, composed of early intervention specialists in leadership positions, provides international expertise in a diverse array of biomedical and behavioral early intervention research and practice areas.
Member Resources
As a benefit of membership, the Membership Directory allows searches of ISEI members by specific interest or specific location.
ISEI Conferences
ISEI holds a major conference every 3 years.
Infants & Young Children
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